Monday, October 17, 2011

go on without me.

alright... i think it is a large possibility that i will not be finishing this animation by the 11 of November.. i wads told the dead line to have your films in to get them on the screening tape is around the 23rd... this might happen.. but its gonna be stretching it..
the reason for the film running behind schedule is due to the amount of hick ups i have had with lights and animation. i could handle a few et backs but they seem to just keep coming and coming.. so needless to say moral has dropped.
im happy with how the film look this far, its a little sad to think i will have to hand in a unfinished film but i would rather do that then rush it.

i spoke to andrew about having a extended loan on the lights and he said i could have them to early december, so at least i will be able to finish animating :O) i can submit the finished film to holmesglen for there archives in the new year..

good news is i did a recording with Darren for the narration last week, and it turned out really well, we will have to do some re-recording but overall i think it will turn out nice.

in terms of my sound track, my guy is working :) i heard a snippet the other day and im really happy with the direction. its going to put a cherry on top i think.

so jack, if you could fill me in on what i need for submission.. if its not a completed film that would be rad. thanks mate.
