Thursday, September 29, 2011

progress 32 :)

alrighty :) ive hit the 32 second mark! YAY..

i finished this shot today, it was a long and painful day... the first 4 frames of this shot were a nightmare!
it took me 3 hours to light and set the camera and character up.. and after another 5 hours of animating i still couldn't nut out the first 4 frames..

it just took for ever to get the angle of the hand right and a nice weight...
but now its all over, real happy :)

i just finished setting up my next shot for tomorrow morn.. so now im going to get some beauty sleep....
and do it all again tomorrow..

sweet dreams

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

up date

animation is coming along:) slow and steady,
i think its going to be a close finish..
ive had a few issues with the power isolator short circuting while im animating! it is over heating... i cant do anything about it.. its just a shit thing that is happening..

im hopeing over the weekend i can knock a few shots out, and ill post them up.

until then.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

first shot done :)

if i can get the film to look like this the entire way i will be a happy man.


alright... flicker has been sorted, i purchased a isolator that cleared it up well enough to remove in post production...

ive started animation, had a little trouble getting the ball rolling.. i have currently animated two shots. this isnt ideal but it is coming along.

i only have two shots because i have struggled to make it look like i want.. but i think i have figured it out..
my first few attempts, i was trying to over complicate the animation, making it too complex.
i dont think there need to be heaps of animation.

i hope i can get another two shots done tomorrow and head into the new week wiht my head held high.
