finished painting up Solomons head today. Darran Lent me some high gloss paint for the eyes so the get a natural glint, it works really well.
for the head i decided not to make a moveable brow... this could be a mistake but my thoughts were that the will be a plasticine "brow" that will sit over the sculpy head and move back and forth revealing the sculpt brow underneath. i see the plasticine component as mor of an abstract form that moves around as solomon moves..
the stars in these shots i added in photoshop, just to get a feel for them.. im hoping that my lights come this week so i can get them rigged up.
over all im happy :) now i just have to add the plasticine outer body of solomon and build a few wind socks and i will be ready to start animating.
here is hoping..
awesome... but I guess you already knew that.
This is gonna look amazing!...you have to push this no matter what!